Staying in Touch with Holiday Cards

Well well well, if it isn’t practically Halloween already…but nothing’s scarier than this year flying by, am I right?

I stay busy and commit to doing several things that have me all over the place - trips, weddings, friend visits, family reunions, shoots for the blog, content hunting for Exhibit A, retreats, more trips if there’s a city I haven’t seen yet and want to…half the time people I’m close with but who live far away don’t even know where I live because they think I’ve moved again! Nope, I haven’t - just hopping out of town again, doing what I love doing.

That said, one of my favorite ways to keep in touch with friends on what we’re all up to (and where I actually live!) is sending holiday cards. There’s something beautifully ritualistic in receiving a slew of kind notes, developed photos, and fun updates from your people, be they scattered the world over, or within walking distance. Each year, my family loves dispersing dozens of them far and wide, as much as we do receiving the ones sent from family and friends. Every holiday season we display the card collection on a giant grid we hang in the foyer, and by mid-December it’s covered top to bottom with Christmas cards. I may be moved out and living on my own, but - irrevocably, reliably - the tradition of Christmas cards carries on in my new house!


November is right around the corner, and before we can blink it’ll be Christmas and then New Year’s. So, because I like to ready my cards early in the season, I’ve partnered with Basic Invite to loop you darling readers in on a great source of gorgeous personalized holiday cards that you can send, too.

Basic Invite is one of few websites that offers nearly unlimited color options - over 180 for cards, over 40 for envelopes - with fantastic customization flexibility. You can adjust your paper weight, change the color of each design feature in your card of choice, and even opt for foil cards for a touch of luxury (available in gold, silver, or rose gold…yum.) Have a specific vision in mind for your next Christmas party invitation, for instance? No problem. They’ll send you a printed sample card upon request, before you place your final order, so you can know the card you design is exactly how you want it.

While mailing cards and letters remains the old school way, Basic Invite does offer some pretty cool options with modern flair. With their Address Capturing Service, customers have the option to share a link on any social media platform to request the addresses of your friends and family - hurray! No losing touch with each other! And at no extra cost, they will print the recipients’ address on the card for you. Finally, popular as they are, a variety of online Christmas cards are available as well.

I had a lot of fun designing these cards - nothing beats a unique color palette to beckon the holiday spirit! As a personal touch, I like to throw in little mementos that my recipients would enjoy, like a tiny Polaroid of me with friends, ticket stubs to something fun, stickers, confetti, or magazine clippings.

I’m incredibly pleased with their product, and Basic Invite absolutely stands by their slogan: Boutique Quality, Everyday Prices.

Follow them on social media @basicinvite:





Pssssst: To my loyal readership, here’s a little something to skim off the price: take 15% off your Basic Invite purchase with coupon code 15FF51.

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